A Texas mom is in trouble after she reportedly shoved her child’s face into a toilet, and forcing him to drink the water. The incident reportedly took place on April 3rd, ending with the woman being taken into police custody.

Cafe Mom writes that the child arrived at school that morning with chunks of hair missing from his scalp, indicative that he’d been involved in some kind of violent altercation. The boy told staff at his school that his mother had dragged him into the bathroom in their home before shoving his face into the toilet bowl. The child alleged that his mother made him drink the toilet water.

When authorities arrived at the home of the child, the Texas mom was arrested with apparently no protest. Claudia Velediaz-Bonifazi has been charged in association with the incident, and the child victim has been removed from her custody. Meanwhile, it’s been revealed that the little boy has been suffering from ongoing abuse in the home, including being hit in the face among other acts of violence.



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