As a true crime writer, I’ve covered a number of notorious serial killers over the years. While many of these murderers are known for their heinous crimes, there are a select few who stand out for their incredible intellect. These individuals are not just ruthless killers, but also possess a high level of intelligence and cunning that allowed them to evade capture for years.

One such killer is Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber. Kaczynski was a former mathematics professor who held a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His I.Q. was estimated to be between 160 and 180, putting him in the category of a genius. Kaczynski used his intelligence to create and send explosive packages that killed three people and injured many others over the course of nearly 20 years. It wasn’t until his brother recognized his writing style in a manifesto that Kaczynski was finally caught.

Another highly intelligent serial killer was Edmund Kemper, also known as the Co-Ed Killer. Kemper had an I.Q. of 145 and was known for his ability to outsmart police during his killing spree. He murdered 10 people, including his own mother, and was eventually caught after turning himself in.

It’s important to note that high intelligence does not excuse the actions of these killers, but it does provide insight into how they were able to carry out their crimes for so long. As we continue to study the minds of these killers, we may be able to better understand how to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.



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