It’s been 12 years since Casey Anthony was acquitted in the high-profile murder of her toddler daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony — but that doesn’t mean she’s going to stay out of the spotlight. Like clockwork, the notorious “Tot Mom” is back in media headlines — but do any of us really care about the updates?

It seems like the latest coverage of Casey Anthony is almost designed to trigger feelings of pity from the public toward the woman whom many believe got away with the murder of her own child. So-called “friends” and other people acquainted with her have been speaking out about her life post-acquittal all these years after the disappearance and murder of Caylee Marie Anthony.

Numerous people close to Anthony claim that she’s living a miserable and reclusive life, with only the occasional outing at local bars and clubs — where she often runs into trouble. The big question to ask about this detail is simple, though: Who f**king cares?

It wouldn’t be surprising if these new updates in the Casey Anthony saga are little more than PR fueled drivel straight from Casey’s camp. Especially after all of the attention the recent documentary show acquired. At the end of the day Casey will never actually be held accountable in the death of her own child — even though so much evidence stood stacked against her. She is merely a convicted liar, which — for all intents and purposes — is good enough for the vast majority of people who believe she killed little Caylee. All of these stories that attempt to paint Casey Anthony in a sympathetic light are just noise.



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