Ever since Naomi Irion went missing it has been speculated that her abductor came from a homeless encampment near the Fernley Walmart where she was last seen. However, authorities have already stated at least once that they’re not sure that the abductor is a homeless person. There’s probably a good reason for police to say this — and that has a lot to do with the vehicle they’re seeking in association with Naomi’s disappearance.

Authorities in Fernley, along with the FBI, are seeking information about a dark blue 2021 model pickup truck that might be connected to the disappearance of the missing Nevada woman. Security footage released by authorities show this blue pickup truck — and they’ve been asking for the public to help identify the truck — and it’s driver — for several days now. The truck in question is a 2021 Chevy with custom features, which indicate the driver spent a pretty penny on it when it was new approximately a year ago. This truck MSRPs at up to $50k. Why would someone who lives in a homeless encampment be driving a $50k truck?

Was Naomi Irion kidnapped by more than one person?

In regards to the truck being sought by police, it was seen parked near the scene of the kidnapping of Naomi — who was taken in her own car. Her car was found abandoned about a mile away from the Walmart where she was kidnapped. If that blue pickup truck is connected to the person who kidnapped Naomi, then how did they manage to abduct the Nevada woman with her own car, abandon the car and then get back to his own truck that was parked back at the walmart at least a mile away from where he abandoned his victim’s car? Logically speaking, the man would have to walk from where he abandoned Naomi’s car back to his own vehicle. It seems that the public would be made aware of something like this if security footage at Walmart captured the man walking back after the presumed abduction.

If the man didn’t walk back from where he abandoned Naomi’s car, then how would he have gotten his truck back in his possession — unless someone else drove it for him? In other words, could someone have assisted this unidentified kidnapper with giving him a ride after disposing of Naomi’s car — or worse? This is something that should be considered, given the information that is available to the public thus far. It’s likely — more than likely actually — that detectives have far more information than they’re telling the public — such as what evidence leads them to believe that the 2021 model truck is associated with Naomi’s abductor.



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