Jordan Bowers, the mother of missing child Oakley Carlson, has been arrested again — just moments after she was released from prison in association with endangering her surviving children. Meanwhile, five-year-old Oakley is still missing with no apparent end in sight for the search for her. All eyes are on Jordan, though, who is apparently trying to prove that she’s not only the world’s worst mother, but a truly dumb criminal.

According to NBC News 15, Jordan Brewers was recently released from prison after serving time in association with child endangerment. The endangerment conviction stemmed from a series of incidents involving her two other children and illicit drug use. According to authorities, just moments following her release from prison, the Washington woman was taken into police custody on charges of identity theft and fraud. In other words, she just couldn’t stay out of trouble following her release.

This swift arrest, and the felony charges against her, could all be strategy in the search for Oakley Carlson, and the investigation behind what might have happened to her. The five-year-old child vanished in February 2021 — nearly an entire year ago — under incredibly suspicious circumstances. To make matters worse for this missing child, her mother has not been cooperative with investigators and neither has her father, Andrew Carlson. Carlson, like Bowers, was also imprisoned on similar charges.

Will we ever find out what happened to Oakley Carlson? Judging from the behavior of her parents — especially her mother — it doesn’t seem likely. Meanwhile, authorities haven’t said whether or not any actual ground searches have continued for the missing child. The parents of this missing and clearly neglected child are drug users, and they have no interest in telling the truth because it threatens their lifestyle. Even behind the walls of prison inmates still have access to the very same drugs that fueled their crimes on the outside. Furthermore, if this little girl was murdered or harmed in some way that led to her death, neither of these drug addicts likely want to become known as murderers instead of fraudsters, addicts and identity thieves. Hopefully something changes soon in this case, so justice can be served for Oakley.



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