Did Wilma Acosta kill herself? That’s what police say happened to the missing woman, but her loved ones disagree. The Oregon woman vanished on November 26, and hasn’t been in contact with her loved ones since that night. Authorities in Portland say that she took her own life the night she disappeared, and that there is no evidence of foul play in her disappearance.

The Portland Tribune reports that loved ones of Wilma Acosta disagree with the direction of the investigation into her disappearance. They do not believe that she would have taken her own life, and that her disappearance might be caused by other factors. With it being nearly a month since she vanished, it’s easy to speculate on any possible reason behind the disappearance of Wilma Acosta.

Police say that Acosta was last spotted at a tavern the night she vanished. They believe that she left on her own free will before making it to the Willamette River. It is there that authorities believe the missing woman jumped intentionally, committing suicide.

It’s hard to tell if there’s any evidence supporting claims made by investigators, but there also doesn’t appear to be any evidence indicating any other possible outcome. The loved ones of Wilma Acosta believe that something else happened to her on the night of her disappearance, and police claims of suicide aren’t helping them find the answers they need.



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