Ana Walshe is still missing, and after a series of suspicious turns in the case it appears that the news media has turned its collective back on the husband of the missing Massachusetts woman. For now, authorities say that the man is being cooperative in the search for his missing wife, but it looks like his shady past is being pushed into the spotlight. Could the husband of this missing woman be shadier than his past indicates?

The Daily Mail and several other media sources are reporting on the criminal past of 48-year-old Brian Walshe — the husband of missing woman Ana Walshe. According to sources, Brian had been convicted of selling fake Andy Warhol paintings on the internet. In fact, The Daily Mail is calling Brian Walshe an “art swindler.” But could his past as an art swindler have anything at all to do with the strange disappearance of his wife?

These reports come just on the heels of reports of a mysterious fire breaking out at the former home of Ana Walshe. A new family is reportedly living in the home, and they were able to escape while the attic of the house burned. Police say it’s too soon to know if this fire is at all connected to Ana’s disappearance, and they’re calling it a strange coincidence.

While the media turns on the husband of Ana Walshe, the authorities investigating her disappearance are being extra careful to avoid calling it anything more than a case of a missing person. They say there is no proof at this time that anything criminal has happened. Nonetheless, suspicion against the spouse of any missing woman is absolutely warranted, due to the statistical likelihood that a domestic violence situation led to the disappearance. No evidence has surfaced to indicate whether or not the Walshes had a rocky marriage, but hopefully detectives are looking into this as a possible avenue for investigation.



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