The search for missing Florida woman Cassie Carli continues with new developments in her case. Now it’s being reported that the FBI has joined the search for the woman — an update that comes on the heels of the discovery of the missing woman’s child, who was also missing. The tone of media reports — paired with statements by loved ones of the missing woman and from police — seem to indicate that foul play is suspected. Was Cassie murdered by the person who last saw her?

Cassie Carlie (sometimes reported as Cassi Carli) disappeared approximately a week ago while taking her four-year-old daughter to visitation with her ex. The man who was the last to see Cassi and their daughter, named Marcus Spanevelo, is currently under the scope of suspicion. That suspicion is heightened with the discovery of the little girl — safe and unharmed. Cassie is still missing, however, which is making it incredibly easy to speculate on what might have happened.

WEEK News reports that the FBI is now involved alongside local authorities in the search for the missing Florida woman. The news report also reveals that four-year-old Saylor was found with her father in Birmingham, Alabama — but she was taken into custody by detectives. Nonetheless, Spanevelo still hasn’t been arrested or charged with anything — even though it’s looking suspiciously like he might know what happened to the missing woman.



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