Old-timey 90s rapper, Vanilla Ice, recently opened up on a podcast about his notorious relationship with Madonna — and the timing is nothing short of interesting, since the Queen of Pop recently announced that she’s going on tour. One of the claims Ice made about the singer, however, stands out as a bit slimy and even possibly illegal.

According to The Huffington Post, Vanilla Ice claimed that Madonna published X-rated photos of him without his consent — photos that were used in her famed “Sex” book. This was during their famed relationship, which spanned across most of a year. During this time, Vanilla Ice claims that he wasn’t even aware that Madonna was publishing a book — much less one about sex. He was completely unaware that any intimate photos they’d taken during their relationship were being used. The former rapper said that he wasn’t aware of the book until it came out, and it was what led to the end of their relationship.

“I could’ve sued her. I didn’t want to. I was like,’I don’t need that controversy. Let’s just let it go and you go your way, I go mine.”

In the interview, the rapper expressed the he doesn’t have hard feelings against Madonna, but it’s still shocking to learn that she published such intimate photos of him without his consent. The early 1990s were definitely a different time compared to now, but even by the standards of that era Madonna could’ve very well been sued for publishing such photos without his knowledge. Today, there are laws protecting people who have their intimate photos and videos leaked or published without consent, but most of these laws didn’t exist in the early 90s, meaning that Vanilla Ice’s only recourse would have been through civil court.

Should Madonna apologize for her actions in the early 90s, which led to Vanilla Ice’s X-rated photos being published without his consent? The former rapper himself doesn’t appear to want or need one, but it still seems odd that anybody could get away with such a grievous violation of privacy.



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