Police in Utah are looking for a missing child, while her loved ones are worried that the worst might have happened. Santa Gloria Olvera was last seen on Monday afternoon while walking home from school. However, she never arrived home, and has now been missing for several days.

KSL News reports that 12-year-old Santa Gloria Olvera vanished on Monday afternoon whilst walking home from school. The Salt Lake City child hasn’t been in contact with her loved ones since she was last seen, which is making them worry that something awful might have happened to her.

Doorbell video footage gathered in the current investigation appears to show the missing 12-year-old Utah girl shortly before she vanished without a trace. Other than that, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence leading to a resolution in this case. Her loved ones are at their wits end while the search for Santa Gloria Olvera continues. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is doing what it can to signal boost the case. This is a missing child in Salt Lake City, and hopefully the community pulls together to help find her — or at least find out what happened to her.

If you know anything about this missing child’s disappearance, or if you think you’ve seen Gloria Olvera, please do not hesitate to call 911 immediately. Any information, no matter how big or small, could lead to big changes in the search for this missing child.



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