An Iowa teen is being charged as an adult in an attack that nearly left a teenage girl dead. Police say that 17-year-old Trevor Ray Dean beat the girl so badly that he believed that he’d killed her, so he tried to get one of his friends to “dispose of her body.” Fortunately the girl survived, but what about the young man who nearly killed her?

KOMO News reports that Trevor Ray Dean of Marion plotted and lured his girlfriend to his home knowing he was going to violently assault her. His motive? He believed the girl had been “cheating” on him. When she arrived at his home, he beat the teenage girl so brutally that she went limp after gasping for air. He believed he killed her. Instead of calling for help immediately or even trying to resuscitate the girl at all, he chose to recruit a friend to dispose of her body for him.

Reports aren’t exactly saying how police caught wind of what happened, but it sounds somewhat like the “friend” turned Dean in to authorities for what he’d done. Fortunately, the unnamed victim is recovering in hospital, and Trevor Ray Dean has been arrested. Unfortunately, the teenage sociopath has only been charged with “willful injury causing serious injury,” which really doesn’t make a lot of sense. While he is being charged as an adult, it’s not likely that he will face very strong consequences for what he did. Nonetheless, it’s hopeful that a judge will give the violent lunatic the harshest sentence he can get.


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