What zodiac signs do most serial killers have in common? A recent study on serial killers and astrology has determined that a high number of killers share a couple of specific astrological sun signs. Does this mean that these particular zodiac signs could predetermine potential criminal behavior? It’s unlikely, but the study is interesting to say the least.

According to 102.9 writer Kayla Morgan, the recent study has concluded that a staggering number of serial killers share the zodiac signs of Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Pisces. That means pretty much every water sign — and one fire sign — take prevalence among serial killers. Some of these notorious murderers include Westley Allan Dodd (Cancer), Ted Bundy (Sagittarius), David Parker Ray (Scorpio) and Richard Ramirez (Pisces). However, there are many, many more that share these signs.

On the other hand, the zodiac signs found the least among serial killers include Taurus and Gemini. That doesn’t mean these particular signs aren’t observed in serial killers. In fact, some of the world’s most notorious murderers share these signs. Child serial killer and cannibal Albert Fish was a Taurus, and so Karla Homolka. When it comes to the zodiac sign Gemini, cannibal and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is among the most notorious.

It should be noted that some studies have concluded that most serial killers share the zodiac sign Taurus, contrary to this latest study. This discrepancy alone makes it hard to entertain with any seriousness that astrology has an effect on potential criminal behavior. However, believers in astrology have long claimed to be able to determine a person’s personality qualities — and flaws — through natal charts, and this deep dive into a person’s astrological makeup could also reveal criminal tendencies.



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