Authorities in Sacramento are looking for a 15-year-old girl, who’s family believes might be the victim of sex trafficking. Alicia Aaliyah Marie Bryant vanished on the 11th of this month, and little has been done in her case. In fact, the missing teen’s loved ones believe that the police aren’t doing enough to get to the bottom of the 15-year-old’s disappearance.

According to KCRA News, 15-year-old Alicia Aaliyah Marie Bryant hasn’t been seen or heard from in nearly two full weeks, and her family members believe that she is being trafficked. They are doing their own “stakeout” work and looking for her on their own, while they believe local law enforcement aren’t doing enough. The missing Sacramento teen’s loved ones have been passing out flyers and working around the clock to locate her — even working on tips they’ve received from the public regarding possible sightings. They’ve said that when they turn these tips in to police, they don’t do anything about them claiming that they can’t connect the teen to the places where she’s allegedly been sighted. Some of these places include motels, where her family thinks she might have been.

If police are neglecting the investigative work they could be doing to find this teen, then they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. This is a 15-year-old girl — a child — and if her family believes she might be caught up in something potentially dangerous, then detectives should be putting in the same amount of time and energy as they do for other missing persons cases. For example the recent disappearance of Kerina Blue in the same city has gotten at least four times the media coverage as the disappearance of this missing teenage girl. And the police were incredibly active in searching for Kerina, and locating her body. Both Kerina Blue and Alicia Bryant have been missing for about the same amount of time — and Bryant’s case is the one that has suspicion of trafficking, which could lead to her being injured or killed. So why aren’t authorities giving this case the attention it deserves?

Have you seen Alicia Aaliyah Marie Bryant? If you’ve seen this missing teen or if you think you know something about her whereabouts, please do not hesitate to contact 510-238-3641 or 650-241-8736.



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