Leave it to a Las Vegas teenager to figure out there’s no minimum age requirement to run for governor in the state of Vermont. Fox 5 Vegas News shares that 14-year-old Jackson Williams is a bit of a politics enthusiast so when he realized he could run for Vermont Governor at only 14-years-old, he decided to do it.

The teenager, who’s in the 8th grade in Las Vegas, also found out he could bypass the Vermont residency requirement by running as a “write-in” candidate.

“I hope I get one, five or 10 people to vote for me. I’d be happy with that,” Said the Las Vegas teen.

Jackson’s parents are supportive of his decision, and encourage him in this endeavor. Reports share that the teen has been interested in politics for at least a few years, citing Elizabeth Warren as a sort of inspiration. The Las Vegas teen plans on visiting Vermont this year to talk to potential voters — so it seems that 14-year-old Jackson Williams is serious about this decision.

Would you vote for a 14-year-old if it meant he became the next governor of your state?



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