An Indiana woman has been missing for just over two years, after she vanished under suspicious circumstances. Kirsten Brueggeman was last seen on January 2, 2021 in Indianapolis, and the only bit of evidence that exists in this case is some spotty security footage that’s led detectives absolutely nowhere. How many more years will pass before this missing woman’s family has the answers they deserve? And is someone in the community holding a secret that could bring closure?

According to The Indy Star, 26-year-old Kirsten. Brueggeman was out on the night of January 2, 2021 at a bar called Manley’s Irish Mutt. At some point during the outing, Kirsten’s ex-boyfriend Eddie Bradford and a group of his friends entered the pub. An argument commenced, and the group (minus Kirsten) left. It’s unknown at this time if they were made to leave or if they left on their own. Kirsten left the pub on foot that night, and disappeared.

Security footage was uncovered during the initial search for the missing Indiana woman, and it showed her walking through a YMCA parking lot. However, the footage was spotty and low quality, and didn’t show where she went. She’s been missing ever since, and it’s been two years.

The loved ones of Kirsten Brueggeman are holding on to hope that they’ll find her, though with each year that passes at this point, that hope is likely riddled with sadness, fear and the possible belief that something horrible might have happened to her. Kirsten was living with her parents at the time of her disappearance, so there is no doubt a huge hole has been left in their lives.

What should be asked is whether or not the ex boyfriend and his group of friends have been questioned and investigated over the course of these past two years. It seems strange that this young woman would simply vanish on the same night that there was an altercation involving the group of people. Hopefully another two years or more doesn’t pass before answers are uncovered in this mysterious case.



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