A homeless man has become the latest viral victim of entitled Karen behavior, and this time the reason why is absolutely idiotic. According to a post on the popular Entitled People subreddit, a homeless man was trying to charge his devices in a public library — as he’d done frequently at the very same spot. On this day, however, he found himself in the sights of an entitled grinch.

Bored Panda writes that the man posted that he’d walked into the library carrying his bags, ready to charge his devices when a four-year-old girl ran up to him and shouted “Santa!” at him. The child was delighted that she believed she’d run into the beloved Christmas character, and the man wasn’t offended. After all, he realized that he looked a lot like Santa Claus, so he was friendly with the girl. He smiled and laughed at her glee.

However, the mother of the child didn’t find the situation to be as endearing as OP did. She grabbed her child, told her that he wasn’t Santa Claus and then walked away. Shortly following this otherwise cute exchange, the author of the Reddit post wrote that the child kept finding him and smiling at him, still convinced that he was in fact Santa Claus. This angered the mother of the child, so she approached the homeless man and asked him to relocate to a different part of the library because he was “distracting” the girl.

OP explained to the woman that he couldn’t relocate because he was there charging his electronics, and he was sitting next to the only available outlet at the time to do so. This angered the entitled Karen, who took her grievance with the Santa look-alike to the front desk of the library. The angry mother tried multiple times to make the homeless man go outside to charge his devices, all because he committed the unforgivable act of….looking like Santa.

Fortunately, the library didn’t make the man relocate, and the entitled Karen was forced to cope with the fact that she didn’t get what she wanted.



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