Police in Alabama have released a slew of details regarding the Carlee Russell case, and the latest developments certainly don’t shed the once-missing woman in a positive light. In fact, with each update released by authorities, it looks more and more like the Alabama woman faked her own abduction when she went missing for approximately 48 hours.

ABC News reports that Carlee Russell researched topics such as Amber Alerts and the movie Taken, very shortly before she disappeared under the circumstances which made her case go viral. Police in Alabama also revealed that even though belongings had been left behind in the woman’s car when she was allegedly kidnapped, the snacks she had just purchased were gone with her. Furthermore, police say, Russell had also researched purchasing bus tickets in the hours leading up to her short-lived disappearance.

To add another suspicious shadow to this bizarre case, paramedics were called to the family home were Carlee Russell showed up — on claims that the once-missing woman was unresponsive. However, according to statements given by the responding officials, Carlee Russell was very much awake and responsive.

Police in Alabama say that there is no reason to believe that the public is in any danger regarding this case, effectively implying that no evidence of an abduction even took place. In other words, this is more validation for those who suspected a hoax in the disappearance of Carlee Russell from day-one.



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