A Texas woman named Anna Moriah Wilson is dead, after authorities say another woman murdered her for having an affair with her significant other. Now a manhunt is underway for the woman accused of killing her. While the murder of Anna Wilson is tragic — and her loved ones certainly don’t deserve to endure this sort of loss — this situation serves as a reminder for why it is never a good idea to help someone cheat on their spouse or long-term partner.

According to New York Daily News, Anna Moriah Wilson was found shot multiple times in her Austin, Texas home on Friday — just days before she was expected to compete in an elite cycling event. As of Saturday, a multi-state search was launched for another woman, named Kaitlin Armstrong, in association with the murder of Wilson. Authorities say the motive of the shooting stemmed from an affair that Anna Wilson was having with Armstrong’s boyfriend, which undoubtedly infuriated her. Now the media is running wild with this story, calling it a love triangle and other novelty terms while federal agents join the search for Kaitlin Armstrong. Armstrong hasn’t been located and is considered a fugitive at this time.

Playing with fire can get you burned

Anna Moriah Wilson gambled with her life when she reportedly engaged in an affair with Kaitlin Armstrong’s boyfriend, and she paid the ultimate price. According to reports, the long-term boyfriend of Armstrong had a fling with Wilson while he and Armstrong were on a “break.” However, even after he and Armstrong got back together, he continued having some kind of secret relationship with the other woman. Meanwhile, Anna Wilson was also aware that she was having a secret relationship with a man who was very much with someone else. This was a recipe for disaster, which had an outcome so common that the term “crime of passion” exists.

To be clear, Anna Wilson did not deserve to die for her participation in helping a man cheat on his significant other. She didn’t deserve for Kaitlin Armstrong to allegedly gun her down and leave her to die in her own home. And if Armstrong is truly the one responsible for this murder, she deserves to be held accountable for the crime. Nonetheless, Anna Moriah Wilson would be alive right now had she not engaged in a secret affair with a man who was already in a relationship. Furthermore, Wilson would probably still be alive if the man at the center of this mess didn’t choose to buy his girlfriend a gun just shortly before she allegedly shot her to death. Yes, you read that right: The man at the center of this love triangle bought the gun that was allegedly used to kill Anna Moriah Wilson.

When romantic emotions are betrayed or exploited, anything can happen. Many people are otherwise nonviolent, but become walking powder kegs when their romantic relationships or family stabilities are threatened by outside parties. The vast majority of “love triangle” situations don’t end violently, but many absolutely do — and you simply can’t predict who’s going to snap when they are pushed to a certain limit.

The murder of Anna Moriah Wilson is far from new

Aside from money, the most common motives for murder are jealousy and revenge — and countless women (and men) have lost their lives in situations that were just like this latest case. In 2018, a Philadelphia woman became so enraged after she learned of her husband’s affair, that she murdered the other woman and then took her own life. The cheating husband in the 2018 case has been overcome with guilt since his wife killed his mistress and committed suicide. In 2019 he was interviewed by a Philly news outlet, in which he stated that he was to blame for the incident because he broke his wife’s heart doing something he regretted doing. Just like most affairs, the husband expressed regret and didn’t want his marriage to end — but his reckless involvement with another woman directly led to her’s and his wife’s deaths. Now he has to live the rest of his life knowing that two women are dead because he entered an affair he wasn’t even serious about having. That’s just mind-blowing.

More famously, a woman named Clara Harris killed her husband after violently assaulting the woman he was cheating on her with. The incident, which took place in 2002, has been the focus of numerous true crime documentaries and television shows, due to the brutal manner in which she murdered the man. Clara Harris hired a private investigator to track her husband’s behavior and whereabouts. When the investigation led her to a motel, she lost her mind upon discovering her husband with another woman. She beat up the “other woman,” but was thrown out of the business. Upon getting in her car and seeing her husband leaving the motel with the woman he was cheating with, she became further enraged and ran over him repeatedly with her car. She spent 15 years in prison, but was ultimately released in 2018. Hopefully the next man who enters her life romantically is fully aware of her past and doesn’t make the same mistake her husband made.



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