Unique Harris vanished in 2010, and now a suspect has finally been convicted in association with her murder. It’s become an accepted fact that the long-missing woman is no longer alive, and a man is going to spend more than three decades behind bars because of it. However, the missing woman’s body still hasn’t been found.

The Washington Post reports that Isaac Moye has been sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment in association with the murder of 24-year-old Unique Harris. This closes at least one chapter in this ongoing case, but the book is far from closed. Unique disappeared over a decade ago from her Washington, D.C., apartment. The man convicted of killing her had just been released from prison after he’d assaulted a woman approximately five years prior. He apparently didn’t care about getting caught, because he wore his court-ordered monitoring device while committing the crime.

Will the body of Unique Harris ever be found? Isaac Moye has consistently refused to speak on the potential whereabouts of his victim, much to the dismay of the missing woman’s loved ones. During a victim impact statement, the mother of Unique Harris demanded that Moye reveal the whereabouts of her daughter’s slain body. Of course, he hasn’t given up the info.

The body of Unique Harris could be virtually anywhere at this point, especially since it took a decade to arrest the man convicted of killing her. Moye could have hidden her anywhere surrounding the D.C. area — or anywhere else. He had more than an ample amount of time to conceal her remains. Hopefully another decade doesn’t pass before the remains are located, so that her loved ones can finally have the closure they deserve.


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