The search for Naomi Irion continues with no real changes in the case thus far, but authorities in Fernley have announced that they will be holding a press conference in regards to this case on Tuesday. Will they share any new information that can lead to finding out what happened to her?

According to Fox 11 News, the press conference will be livestreamed in several places including right here. Lyon County Sheriff’s officials are also working with the FBI in this case, due to the circumstances surrounding her disappearance. The FBI doesn’t join the search for every missing person’s case, but in situations where a violent abduction is believed to have taken place, they do provide assistance. They also tend to join missing person’s searches when there is a possibility that the victim has been taken across state lines. Is it possible that Naomi Irion was taken out of Fernley, Nevada entirely?

Naomi Irion was last seen at 5:00 in the morning on March 12th, in the parking lot of a Walmart store in Fernley, Nevada. Security footage provided by the store shows an unidentified man wearing a hoodie pushing himself into the driver’s side of the missing woman’s vehicle. According to her loved ones, Naomi likely “froze up” and slid over to the passenger side after being commanded to do so. Police believe a 2021 (or newer) model of pickup truck is associated with this case, and they are trying to locate the driver of the blue truck shown in surveillance footage.

If you know anything about the disappearance of Naomi Irion, please call 911 immediately.


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