The Gretchen Fleming case has an update after the West Virginia woman has been missing for nearly a month. Now authorities have revealed that they have a person of interest in the search for the missing musician. This update comes just on the heels of social media speculation about the possible last person to see her before her disappearance.

The Daily Mail, and several other outlets, have revealed that a person of interest has been identified in the disappearance of Gretchen Fleming. The name of this person of interest hasn’t yet been publicized, but many people on social media believe they know the exact identity of the man. Detectives are “working around the clock” on this case, so there’s no doubt that they’re wanting to make sure they secure their POI before releasing his name and potentially compromising the search for Gretchen.

At this point, it’s disappointing to say that Gretchen Fleming was likely a victim of foul play. However, until authorities name their person of interest and find more evidence in the search for her, anything is likely.


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