Casey Anthony is once-again back in media headlines — and it looks like she’s pretty much living the life we’d all expect of her. Now she’s evidently moved from Florida (where she was notoriously acquitted in the murder of her once-missing daughter), all the way to the state of Tennessee. That’s not all: She’s also apparently a homewrecker who’s moving in with her married boyfriend. That’s also not all, but it goes without saying that “Tot Mom,” is proving herself to be the same exact woman who went on a partying spree when her child vanished in 2008.

Just hours before Casey was spotted moving into the home of her married boyfriend, the 48-year-old man’s wife was seen leaving the home with her belongings — indicating that the breakup of the marriage was suspiciously close to the relationship with Anthony. To make the situation even more despicable, newer reports have shown that Casey Anthony’s new beau is still on dating apps and apparently cheating on her.

While Casey Anthony is “living the life she wants,” it should be repeated over-and-over that nobody has ever figured out what happened to her daughter. Caylee Marie Anthony vanished in 2008, sparking nationwide attention — and suspicion — because her own mother waited at least a month before reporting her missing. Over the course of that month Casey Anthony partied with friends, got tattoos and joined so-called “hot body contests.” She was eventually arrested in association with her child’s disappearance after detectives caught her in numerous lies. Casey stood accused of killing Caylee after the child’s body was ultimately found not far from the Anthony home.

In a move that totally shocked the public, Casey Anthony was acquitted in the murder and disappearance of Caylee. However, with that acquittal, the case came to a total standstill. No other suspects have ever surfaced, no other theories regarding what happened have ever been released, and no movements have ever been made to even continue investigating the case. It’s like the state of Florida has all but officially declared that they had their suspect, and she got away with it.

It’s not surprising to see that journalists, paparazzi and members of an angry public continue to follow Casey Anthony with such interest — especially when the vast majority of people who are even aware of who she is believes that she murdered her child and continues to flaunt her freedom while living the life of a scallywag.


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