Ozempic has become increasingly popular as a weight loss drug, aside from its established use for people with diabetes. With its growing popularity, Ozempic has also garnered a fair amount of criticism from all kinds of different crowds; From fat activists to people with diabetes who struggle with availability of the drug due to increased demand. Now that it’s become a household name, more and more people are talking about it on social media, such as a recent post on the subreddit AITA. A woman recently posted that she’s at odds with a friend of hers who suggested that they should both take the drug as a so-called “bonding” experience. Now the woman is wondering if she handled the situation poorly by simply stating that she’s too thin to need Ozempic.

In the post authored by user Practical_Fee_7870, the OP shared that she is a rather short and slender person. She declared that if she’d even lost 10 lbs., she would probably look unwell. However, this physical detail didn’t stop a friend of hers from suggesting that she take Ozempic. OP isn’t diabetic, and isn’t at all overweight, so there would be no logical purpose for her to even consider taking this pharmaceutical drug. Her friend, who she referred to as “Hannah,” is overweight, and is also unhappy about her size. So, OP was supportive when her friend decided to take the medication for herself. The author of the post wrote that things became tense, however, when her friend suggested that she take the drug as well.

“She was talking about it and jokingly said ‘We could do it together. It’d be like a fun bonding activity!'” OP wrote in the AITA post.

OP’s response to her friend apparently caused a rift between the two of them, but she doesn’t understand why. The author of the post says that she didn’t want to joke about weight loss, having suffered from eating disorders in the past and being aware of her friend’s weight struggle. She merely told her friend that she was too thin to need Ozempic.

“I’m okay, I’m already quite slender as is,” she said to her friend.

Now OP says her friend is angry with her, and saying that she’s being a “d*ck” for “calling her fat.” OP feels like she didn’t do anything wrong, and was pretty much stating the obvious while getting away from the topic of weight loss with her friend.

Reality Check

Op clearly is clearly NTA in this Reddit post. She’s not overweight and she doesn’t suffer from any of the medical conditions treated by Ozempic — or at least according to her post. While she acknowledges that her friend requested they take it together in a “joking” manner, she didn’t feel comfortable joking in response — and for good reason. She knew her friend is sensitive about her weight, and having suffered from eating disorders in her own past, she just didn’t want to make light of the topic. She also knew that it wasn’t a good idea to even entertain the concept of taking Ozempic together as a bonding activity, and she shut it down.

The reality of the matter is that OP’s friend is being a jerk, and she was likely not joking at all when she made the comment about the two of them taking this drug together. She didn’t like being reminded that her friend isn’t overweight and therefore in no need of the drug, and she reacted in a wounded manner. This is a her problem, and not OP’s.


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