It's been 11 years since Heather Elvis went missing from Horry County, South Carolina in a case that thoroughly illustrates why you should never mess with a married man. The 20-year-old woman was murdered by her affair partner and his wife, and even though the duo were convicted and imprisoned, her body still hasn't been found. With more than a decade gone in this case, will the body of this missing woman ever be found so that her loved ones can fully get the closure they deserve?
When Heather Elvis disappeared in December 2013, it didn't take long for the sordid details of her love life to take center-stage. She had been sleeping with a married man -- a man that she'd aggressively pursued. This detail was known by her close friends, but it was also something she'd bragged about on Twitter and other social media platforms. The 20-year-old South Carolina woman set her sights on Sidney Moorer, and she didn't stop throwing herself at him until she had him right where she wanted him. She was young, wild and had no idea that she was signing her own death warrant by messing with this married man.
When Sidney's wife -- Tammy Moorer -- found out about her husband's affair, she was furious. That anger didn't subside when the possibility of Heather being pregnant came to light. This may have been the catalyst that led to the missing woman's murder, because the married couple united in the gruesome act of kidnapping, killing and disposing of Heather in a way that evidently ensured that she'd never be found.
Where is Heather Elvis's body?
When Heather was reported missing, her car was found abandoned at the Peachtree Boat Landing, which sits right on the Waccamaw River. This river flows in a southwesterly direction joining the Pee Dee River into the Winyah Bay. If her body was dumped in the water at Peachtree Boat Landing, then her body could have been carried for miles, eaten by wildlife or hung up by underwater debris -- or all of the above. Of course, her car could have been dumped at the boat landing as an intentional misdirect, and her body could have been disposed of in any number of ways. With 11 years gone in her case, it's not likely that her boy will be found at all.
Love triangles can equal murder
The disappearance and murder of Heather Elvis serves as a stark warning against infidelity and pursuing married men. This young woman played a dangerous game, and in the end it cost her her life. Of course, Heather Elvis isn't the first woman to end up dead after playing third-wheel to someone else's marriage. In 2021, two teens murdered another teenager in Florida as a result of a love triangle. The two people accused in the murder were convicted and sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment just this year. In 2022 a Texas woman named Anna Moriah Wilson was murdered by Kaitlyn Armstrong, after she'd been engaging in an affair with Armstrong's boyfriend. Similar to Heather Elvis, Anna Moriah Wilson knew she was seeing a taken man, but she didn't realize her actions would ultimately lead to her death.
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